Wooden churches
Projects of houses from square log
Projects of baths from a square log
Construction of handcrafted houses
Construction of churches, temples.
We offer the construction of wooden churches and temples. The Best House Company is engaged in designing, manufacturing and building wooden churches and churches for many years. We build wooden churches taking into account the traditions of Russian wooden architecture. The ancient wooden churches of Russia inspire us to build in the traditions of Russian wooden architecture. We can order a classic head for a temple, chapel or bell tower, covered with soft roof, metal or wooden tiles. We can order a classic head for a temple, chapel or bell tower, covered with a soft roof, metal or wooden tiles. The wooden church corresponds to the traditions of wooden architecture, and the cost of its construction is less than the stone church. Timing of the construction of a wooden temple is shorter than a stone one. We offer the construction of religious buildings from aerocrete blocks, in brick construction, frame construction.
Abkhaz LLC with a clean history is inexpensive.
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