Square log house projects
Projects of houses from a profiled laminated square log, profiled solid square log of chamber drying and natural humidity.
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You can order a project of a wooden house, sabmit you project, or choose an existing project in the archive by contacting the Best House office on the coordinates indicated on the contacts page. To choose the project of a wooden house in accordance with your requirements can be found on the pages of the Projects of houses from square log, Projects of houses from rounded logs, as well as Projects of saunas from square logs and Projects of baths from logs. Advantages of profiled laminated square logs and profiled square logs of a chamber drying and natural humidity:-
Houses made of laminated square logs are easy to assemble and practically do not suffer shrinkage and shrinkage is minimal.
Glued beam does not deform with time.
During operation, the glued beam is not cracked. Smooth surface of glued beams does not need additional processing, labor-intensive and expensive finishing works.
The optimum humidity of the glued beam excludes its decay and the appearance of unwanted microorganisms and bacteria in it.
Glued beam can be used to implement the most complex projects.
Advantages of the profiled solid square logs of the natural moisture:
- The most economical version of the construction of solid wood.
- Excellent appearance. In production, the profiled solid square logs acquires a smooth surface and a regular shape.
- Collected from this material, the walls are perfectly even, look natural and beautiful, the insulation with such an assembly remains invisible.
- Manufacturing of elements of log and corner joints in the factory.
- The connections made at the factory are perfectly even and durable.
- Used when assembling the main box of a wooden house, they serve as the basis for a strong construction of the structure and make the shrinkage uniform.
The project of the house from a square logs 75 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 77 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 85 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 96 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 98 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 100,5 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 101 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 103 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 104 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 106 м2
The project of the house from a square logs117 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 121,5 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 131 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 138 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 142,2 м2
The project of a house of square profiled log 147 m2
The project of the house from a square logs 153 м2
The project of the house from a square profiled log 169 m2
The project of the house from a square logs 170 м2
The project of the house from a square logs 177 м2
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